Thursday, November 13, 2008

Its a Dogs Life.......seriously

I've been starting a youth group here on St. John. We do a bible study every Wednesday at Ronnie's Pizza. Last week i informed my group that we would be doing some sort of community service as a group, although no one would be required to help. James 2:18 "Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do."

I said we can raise money for a charity, we can clean up something for someone, we can feed people who need feeding. We can do anything you want as long as it is not for ourselves. They seemed skeptical at first, until they had something to go with. They chose raising money for the ACC (Animal Care Center). The ACC for the last few months has been extremely low on cash. They have too many animals and not enough money for an employee, food, or utilities. If they run out of money they will have to put down all of the kitties and puppies.

Now i know that most youth groups in the states would chosen starving children, or disaster area like New Orleans, or money for missionaries. But this is St. John, and we've got our own drum beat. This is what is important to the kids and its great that they are willing to put forth the effort. We will be having a bake sale on Sat Nov. 22nd (location TBD) to raise money. They are going to bake and get others from the church to donate edibles to sell as well. I'm glad they chose something they care about. Even the boys are baking and making lemonade. This is going to be a good year.

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