....We all get the feeling. You add weight to my life. I know that I shouldn't consider you a burden, but sometimes i do. You are there, always there, but not when it counts. Being there for no reason doesn't really make me appreciate you. I have invested money and time in you. Time getting to know your ins and outs. How you operate. How i need to take care of you. I know what you could potentially bring to my life, i just haven't seen it and i doubt if i will. I have had these relationships in the past, and i know how it will end. And i knew that before this even got started, but i couldn't resist. I gave into my temptation hoping that i would be wrong. I'm not so sure right now.

I have been carrying around my new Leatherman Wave with me for two weeks, every day, on my hip. So far i have cut the tape of a cardboard box to break it down for trash and cut a sheet of plastic with it (even though it wasn't needed because there was already an exacto knife open and ready to use, instead i went through the process of taking it out of its case and opening it and figuring out which one was the knife). I will not have it when i need it....thats how it works. Leatherman's and Swiss Army knives come cursed. There is a demon in charge of making sure they are never actually present in an emergency. I'll be sure to let you know if i conquer this bladed demon.
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