Wednesday, November 21, 2007


-abee (not -leberry Finn)

My first introduction to Mike Huckabee, Arkansas Governor running for the GOP nomination, was a commercial via YouTube that is to start airing in Iowa

This sparked my curiosity so i searched further on YouTube and came across his answer to an evolution question during a Republican Debate

I like how he handled himself and I like his answer. I am curious as to what his weaknesses are, where he struggles in his faith. I don't doubt that he is genuine, but genuine people can still mess things up. David was genuine and he slept with another mans wife, and then had the man killed.

I wonder what the real story is on ethical complaints against him. I'm not sure how closely i will follow things. I don't get a vote anyway.

1 comment:

mel said...

My mom met huckabee. He used to be a baptist preacher. YAY for having a blog!