Friday, September 28, 2007

Edwards, John

Taken from the .National Review Online.

"Edwards: 'Pretty Soon We’re Not Going to Have a Young African-American Male Population in America.'

Asked about what he could do about "inner-city kids partaking in violence" at the MTV/MySpace Forum yesterday, Democratic candidate John Edwards offered an apocalyptic prediction for young black males:

“We cannot build enough prisons to solve this problem. And the idea that we can keep incarcerating and keep incarcerating — pretty soon we’re not going to have a young African-American male population in America. They’re all going to be in prison or dead. One of the two.”

Hyperbole much? Despite popular misperception and those who find it a convenient talking point to illustrate inescapable racism, there are more young African-American men in college than in prison. In 2005, according to the Census Bureau, there were 864,000 black men in college. According to Justice Department statistics, there were 802,000 in federal and state prisons and jails; between the ages of 18 and 24, however, black men in college outnumber those incarcerated by 4 to 1."

My Thoughts:
John Edwards has taken a specific question about black youths in inner city's and turned it into a problem with all the black youth in America. He may very well have had a logical point following his statement, but the quicktime wouldn't work on my computer for me to see it from the MTV link above. Either way, he makes way to broad of a generalization. Sounds like someone has been listening to Hannity.

**I have been informed that the statement made by Edwards was taken way out of context. Like i said, i couldn't watch the interview for whatever reason and probably never would have posted. It happens.

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