Monday, May 09, 2005

Things to do.......

Well, i've been told i will graduate. This is good. I spent 1.5 hours pissing and moaning about the possibility that i might not. I needed a 57, and everyone i talked to did the main part of the test differently than i did. I'll see your 57 and raise you 60 (meaning i got a 117%). My list of things to do before i leave the country has several things checked off. I have seen Dave Matthews Band. We went down to Jazz Fest in New Orleans to see him. good show dave. I brought back 111 lbs of crawfish for a crawfish boil. Did that. Bought a plane ticket to San Francisco where Tom (already on the way by himself) will pick me up at 10:15 am on May 22nd. We will finish the trek across the country together. The itinerary is on his blog: Tom's Page Good times to be had with my bud before we part ways for a long time. Roadtrip, check. I have had an offer to go to Ru San's for sushi, check. I have decided to add something. I want to make out on Samford Lawn before i leave college.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im very upset with you, and you know this, but anyway.. i looked at tom's site and big sur and santa barbara are amazing. la'love them. i know a lot of people in santa barbara, but no one you know, i dont think.. have fun, i guess.
hate you,