Wednesday, December 10, 2008

jet crash

A statement of the husband/father of the family killed when the fighter jet crashed into a neighborhood in California.

"I believe my wife and two babies and mother-in-law are in heaven with God," Yoon said at a news conference afterward. "Nobody expected such a horrible thing to happen, especially right here, our house."

Yoon said he bore no ill will toward the Marine Corps pilot who ejected safely before the jet plunged into the neighborhood two miles west of the runway at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar. "I pray for him not to suffer for this action," Yoon said. "I know he's one of our treasures for our country."

Saturday, December 06, 2008


There is a guy here this week i recognize from last year around this time. He is a really nice guy to talk to, but he does seem kind of odd at first, bed head and all. He can be seen on boardwalks sitting there, waiting for something. He has a really nice camera which tells you this is something he really cares about and does often. Most people probably walk by him and think its kind of odd but go about their day just like i did the first few times.

I remember the first time i stopped to ask what he was taking pictures of and how it was going. He opened right up about the butterflies. He had been sitting there for quite some time and I asked if he had taken any good photos, but he replied "Not really". He said it can take a really long time, but that when he gets a good one its so worth it. From where we are standing, behind him is Whistling Key with the turquoise waters surrounding it. Most are in awe of that view, and fill their cameras with dozens of the same photo. Not him, he's got his back to it. Something tells me he may not have even been to the water yet. He loves the butterflies, and that is why he is here.

We are intended to take care of this world. God created this guy to love and watch over his butterflies. Others were created to take care of sea turtles or horses or dogs and cats. Some will care for plants. We were each created to care and look over something. If we all did our part in caring for creation and each other the way we were intended to, seems we wouldn't have the problems we have. Starvation? Pollution? War?

Sometimes its easy to look at something, like a butterfly, and admire its beauty for only a fleeting moment. What would be the point of creating something that most would pay little attention to? But that's what makes this world so amazing, that nothing was made plain. Everything is intricate and beautiful in its own way, and there is always someone there to appreciate it.

This guy is lucky. He may seem odd to most, but he has something to be passionate about and many would struggle to name their passion as fast as he could, i know i can't.