Saturday, February 03, 2007

Phileas Fogg

He traveled the world in 80 days, at least through the pages of Jules Verne's book. He didn't soak anything in while stopping along the way. He pretty much just went from place to place, and it took him 80 days. That was considered fast back then (late 1800's).

Today 80 days would be slow. You can easily travel the world in 80 days and take in the sights. And that is what i want to do. Who do i know in the world? Where can i stay on the couch of a friend? Can i hit Australia in this journey? How much is all of this going to cost?

Only one of those questions can be answered at the moment: How much is all of this going to cost? Answer: A lot.

The way i figure it, i have roughly 8 months to figure it all out before i leave this fall. tick tock